ホーム > 組織でさがす > 経済産業部 > 地域企業支援課 > 青森県の伝統工芸品(大鰐こけし・ずぐり)
更新日付:2024年4月1日 地域企業支援課
大鰐こけし・ずぐり (おおわにこけし・ずぐり) "Owani" Kokeshi Dolls and "Zuguri"
Simple but gorgeous “Owani” Kokeshi Dolls and beautifully colorful “Zuguri”
At the beginning of the Meiji period (1867-1911), artisans living in the Nuruyu Onsen area, where the Tsugaru kokeshi doll originated, moved to the Owani Onsen area, where they began sawing lumber to eventually be made into kokeshi dolls during the Taisho period (1911-1925).
Owani Kokeshi dolls are broad-shouldered and have a straight and slender body, which is painted with an iris pattern. The dolls have an innocent smile, evoking a feeling of warmth in those that admire them.
The “Zuguri” (spinning tops) were first produced at the same time as the kokeshi dolls, and these colorful toys were much-loved by the children of these snowy lands.
Simple but gorgeous “Owani” Kokeshi Dolls and beautifully colorful “Zuguri”
At the beginning of the Meiji period (1867-1911), artisans living in the Nuruyu Onsen area, where the Tsugaru kokeshi doll originated, moved to the Owani Onsen area, where they began sawing lumber to eventually be made into kokeshi dolls during the Taisho period (1911-1925).
Owani Kokeshi dolls are broad-shouldered and have a straight and slender body, which is painted with an iris pattern. The dolls have an innocent smile, evoking a feeling of warmth in those that admire them.
The “Zuguri” (spinning tops) were first produced at the same time as the kokeshi dolls, and these colorful toys were much-loved by the children of these snowy lands.
【県の指定年月】 平成8年3月
【主な製品】 こけし・ずぐり
【主な製造工程】 木地挽き→ロクロ線入れ→模様付け→顔描き→ロウ挽き→完成
【主な製品】 こけし・ずぐり
【主な製造工程】 木地挽き→ロクロ線入れ→模様付け→顔描き→ロウ挽き→完成
嶋津 誠一 | 036-0412 青森県黒石市袋富山72-1(津軽こけし館) 0172-54-8181 |