ホーム > 組織でさがす > 経済産業部 > 地域企業支援課 > 青森県の伝統工芸品(えんぶり烏帽子)
更新日付:2022年7月5日 地域企業支援課
えんぶり烏帽子 (えんぶりえぼし) "Enburi" Festival Hats

“Enburi” Festival Hats - a symbol of the festival that marks the end of the long winter and heralds in the spring
The "Enburi" Festival, which began after the Meiji period (1867-1911), heralds in the spring and symbolizes a celebration to the gods for a bountiful harvest. This event is now firmly established as a kind of traditional folk entertainment in the Hachinohe area.
Dancers, called ‘tayu,’ grasp an ‘eburi’ (a farming tool used to level the earth for planting) in their hands, and act like they are working the fields. Cranes, turtles, pine trees, bamboo trees, plum trees, Ebisu and Daikoku (the gods of wealth), and other auspicious paintings are portrayed on the body of the Enburi hat worn by tayu dancers.
It has been said from olden times that when tayu dancers become absorbed in their performance, the gods would be harbored in the Enburi hats making the dancers transform into the gods themselves. Thus, the tayu dancers treat the Enburi hats with care and deference as symbols of the gods of farming.
【県の指定年月】 平成8年3月
【主な製品】 えんぶり烏帽子
【主な製造工程】 下張り→成型→絵柄の素描→色付け→たてがみ付け→前髪付け→彩飾→完成
【主な製品】 えんぶり烏帽子
【主な製造工程】 下張り→成型→絵柄の素描→色付け→たてがみ付け→前髪付け→彩飾→完成
小坂勝義 | 031-0077 青森県八戸市長根4-14-3 0178-43-9327 |