ホーム > 組織でさがす > 経済産業部 > 地域企業支援課 > 青森県の伝統工芸品(弘前こけし・木地玩具)
更新日付:2022年7月5日 地域企業支援課
弘前こけし・木地玩具 (ひろさきこけし・きじがんぐ) "Hirosaki" Kokeshi Dolls and Traditional Wooden Crafts
Sweet and adorable, “Hirosaki” Kokeshi Dolls are nostalgic yet innovative, Traditional Wooden Crafts
There are 11 types of traditional kokeshi dolls throughout the Tohoku region. One of those is the Tsugaru Kokeshi, which refers to all dolls produced in Kuroishi City, Owani Town, and Hirosaki City. Tsugaru Kokeshi differ from other types because they are made from a single piece of wood, using a technique called ‘tsukuritsuke”, and they have an ‘okappa hairstyle’ (bob cut).
During the Meiji period (1867-1911), wood carvers from the Tsugaru area met with those from outside of the prefecture, and from those meetings, the kokeshi doll has become what it is today. The Hirosaki Kokeshi doll is grouped in with the Tsugaru Kokeshi, which stemmed originally from the Owani Kokeshi, which is still produced today.
Along with Kokeshi dolls, popular woodcrafts include spinning tops and Daruma figurines, and these are loved by the people of the Tsugaru region.
Sweet and adorable, “Hirosaki” Kokeshi Dolls are nostalgic yet innovative, Traditional Wooden Crafts
There are 11 types of traditional kokeshi dolls throughout the Tohoku region. One of those is the Tsugaru Kokeshi, which refers to all dolls produced in Kuroishi City, Owani Town, and Hirosaki City. Tsugaru Kokeshi differ from other types because they are made from a single piece of wood, using a technique called ‘tsukuritsuke”, and they have an ‘okappa hairstyle’ (bob cut).
During the Meiji period (1867-1911), wood carvers from the Tsugaru area met with those from outside of the prefecture, and from those meetings, the kokeshi doll has become what it is today. The Hirosaki Kokeshi doll is grouped in with the Tsugaru Kokeshi, which stemmed originally from the Owani Kokeshi, which is still produced today.
Along with Kokeshi dolls, popular woodcrafts include spinning tops and Daruma figurines, and these are loved by the people of the Tsugaru region.
【県の指定年月】 平成9年2月
【主な製品】 こけし・こま・ダルマ
【主な製造工程】 木地挽き→ロクロ線入れ→模様付け→顔描き→ロウ挽き→完成
【主な製品】 こけし・こま・ダルマ
【主な製造工程】 木地挽き→ロクロ線入れ→模様付け→顔描き→ロウ挽き→完成
津軽藩ねぷた村 | 036-8332 青森県弘前市亀甲町61 0172-39-1511 |