ホーム > 組織でさがす > 経済産業部 > 地域企業支援課 > 青森県の伝統工芸品(南部菱刺し)
更新日付:2024年4月1日 地域企業支援課
南部菱刺し (なんぶひしざし) Nambu Diamond Embroidery
“Nambu Diamond Embroidery” characterized by beautiful and colorful geometric patterns such as plum flower and walnut
Nambu Diamond Embroidery originated some 200 years ago in the Nambu Region, chiefly in the Hachinohe area. At that time, farmers only wore clothes made of hemp or ramie, and cloth was used primarily as thread. To survive the harsh living conditions of the north country, women from the farming villages then began to stitch cotton thread into the hemp cloth in necessary places to reinforce the fabric and retain warmth. This craft continues to be produced to this day.
The diamond embroidery is characterized by colorful geometric patterns of long horizontal diamond shapes such as ‘plum flower’ and ‘pheasant feet’, which are made by using even-numbered stitches through the hemp fabric.
Currently, fabrics other than hemp, such as cotton or wool, are used to make new products like ties and tapestries.
“Nambu Diamond Embroidery” characterized by beautiful and colorful geometric patterns such as plum flower and walnut
Nambu Diamond Embroidery originated some 200 years ago in the Nambu Region, chiefly in the Hachinohe area. At that time, farmers only wore clothes made of hemp or ramie, and cloth was used primarily as thread. To survive the harsh living conditions of the north country, women from the farming villages then began to stitch cotton thread into the hemp cloth in necessary places to reinforce the fabric and retain warmth. This craft continues to be produced to this day.
The diamond embroidery is characterized by colorful geometric patterns of long horizontal diamond shapes such as ‘plum flower’ and ‘pheasant feet’, which are made by using even-numbered stitches through the hemp fabric.
Currently, fabrics other than hemp, such as cotton or wool, are used to make new products like ties and tapestries.
【県の指定年月】 平成8年3月
【主な製品】 卓布・前垂れ・のれん・バッグ
【主な製造工程】 麻地の地直し→紋様のデザイン→刺し→仕上げ→完成
【主な製品】 卓布・前垂れ・のれん・バッグ
【主な製造工程】 麻地の地直し→紋様のデザイン→刺し→仕上げ→完成
天羽やよい | 031-0073 青森県八戸市長者4-2-26-11 0178-46-4662 |
南部菱刺し西野刺っ娘の会 | 039-1103 青森県八戸市大字長苗代字内舟渡25-1 0178-28-2886 |
南部菱刺し工房アトリエ縹HANADA | 031-0822 青森県八戸町大字白銀町字人形沢6 080-2802-0715 |
南部菱刺研究会・つづれや | 039-1104 青森県八戸町大字田面木字上野平91-7 090-3532-4855 |
南部ひしざし保存会 | 034-0012 青森県十和田市東一番町8-10 0176-23-0024 |
北向 春枝 | 039-2136 青森県おいらせ町中下田147-12 0178-56-4107 |
高橋 博子 | 039-1513 青森県五戸町字古舘1-7 0178-62-5489 |