ホーム > 組織でさがす > 経済産業部 > 地域企業支援課 > 青森県の伝統工芸品(温湯こけし・ずぐり独楽)


更新日付:2022年7月5日 地域企業支援課


温湯こけし・ずぐり独楽 (ぬるゆこけし・ずぐりこま) "Nuruyu" Kokeshi Dolls and "Zuguri" Tops



"Nuruyu" Kokeshi Dolls and "Zuguri" Tops “Nuruyu” Kokeshi Dolls, the origin of beautifully curvy Tsugaru kokeshi dolls, and the traditional Tsugaru Region “Zuguri” tops that spin even on snow

Nuruyu Onsen in Kuroishi City is the birthplace of Tsugaru kokeshi dolls. Mori Hidetaro, the founder of Tsugaru kokeshi, began making kokeshi dolls at the Nuruyu Onsen at the beginning of the Taisho period. Since then, kokeshi craftsmen have come together to form the Tsugaru Kokeshi Craftsmen Association and continue to make kokeshi dolls with an eye for tradition and novelty.
Some characteristics unique to Nuruyu kokeshi dolls are the Ainu pattern drawn on the torso, the Daruma face with arched brows and a sharp glare, the wide base and curvy chest, and the extremely narrow waist. Additionally, the patterns on the body use vivid peony flowers that are said to have been taken from the family crest of the Tsugaru.
Zuguri wooden tops, have been made since before production of the Nuruyu Kokeshi dolls began. The winter tradition of playing with Zuguri tops continues to be an integral part of the Tsugaru region’s culture even today.
【県の指定年月】 平成8年3月
【主な製品】 こけし・ダルマ
【主な製造工程】 木地挽き→ロクロ線入れ→模様付け→顔描き→ロウ挽き→完成
津軽こけし工人会 036-0412 青森県黒石市大字袋字富山72-1
0172-54-8181 ※事務局:津軽こけし館


経済産業部 地域企業支援課 マーケティング支援グループ
電話:1  FAX:017-734-8107


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