ホーム > 組織でさがす > 経済産業部 > 地域企業支援課 > 青森県の伝統工芸品(津軽びいどろ)
更新日付:2024年4月1日 地域企業支援課
津軽びいどろ (つがるびいどろ) Tsugaru Glassware
Tsugaru Vidro
The Tsugaru Vidro is a glass craft that originated from the adaptation of the manufacturing
technique used for fishing buoys. It began by incorporating sand from the Shichiri-Nagahama beach on the western side of Tsugaru Peninsula as one of the materials, and by employing the extremely advanced “Chu-buki” (free-blowing) technique, which has been passed down since ancient times.
The materials are melted down at a high temperature of 1500 degrees Celsius. Then, under
the molding temperature of 1200 degrees Celsius, the glowing red-hot molten glass is
gathered onto a rod. The craftsman skillfully blows into the rod to transform the glass into
various shapes and colors. Presently, many practical and colorful products are crafted using
nine different techniques and various colored glasses.
Tsugaru Vidro
The Tsugaru Vidro is a glass craft that originated from the adaptation of the manufacturing
technique used for fishing buoys. It began by incorporating sand from the Shichiri-Nagahama beach on the western side of Tsugaru Peninsula as one of the materials, and by employing the extremely advanced “Chu-buki” (free-blowing) technique, which has been passed down since ancient times.
The materials are melted down at a high temperature of 1500 degrees Celsius. Then, under
the molding temperature of 1200 degrees Celsius, the glowing red-hot molten glass is
gathered onto a rod. The craftsman skillfully blows into the rod to transform the glass into
various shapes and colors. Presently, many practical and colorful products are crafted using
nine different techniques and various colored glasses.
【県の指定年月】 平成8年3月
【主な製品】 花瓶・冷酒用徳利・ワイングラス
【主な製造工程】 材料調合→溶解→宙吹き→徐冷→仕上げ→完成
【主な製品】 花瓶・冷酒用徳利・ワイングラス
【主な製造工程】 材料調合→溶解→宙吹き→徐冷→仕上げ→完成
北洋硝子株式会社 | 038-0004 青森県青森市富田4-29-13 017-782-5183 |