ホーム > 組織でさがす > 経済産業部 > 地域企業支援課 > 青森県の伝統工芸品(津軽桐下駄)
更新日付:2022年7月5日 地域企業支援課
津軽桐下駄 (つがるきりげた) Tsugaru paulownia "Geta" (Wooden Clogs)
Made from the paulownia tree grown in the biting wind and snow of Aomori, Tsugaru paulownia “Geta” wood is robust with a beautiful grain
Worn as an item of footwear in Japan since ancient times, geta clogs were popularized in the Edo period, but with the westernization of people’s lifestyles, the number of craftsmen has reduced in recent years.
Paulownia wood is the most suitable material for making geta clogs because of the wood’s lightness and flexibility. It is also easy on the feet (walking on uneven roads does not hurt the joints), and withstands temperature changes (the shoes do not feel cold when first worn). Grown in the harsh wind and snow of Aomori, Tsugaru paulownia wood is tough and has a beautiful grain.
In addition to light wooden geta clogs, yuki-geta (snow clogs) that reflect this snowy land, and Tsugaru-nuri Lacquerware geta clogs have been made for many years, possessing a graceful feel.
Made from the paulownia tree grown in the biting wind and snow of Aomori, Tsugaru paulownia “Geta” wood is robust with a beautiful grain
Worn as an item of footwear in Japan since ancient times, geta clogs were popularized in the Edo period, but with the westernization of people’s lifestyles, the number of craftsmen has reduced in recent years.
Paulownia wood is the most suitable material for making geta clogs because of the wood’s lightness and flexibility. It is also easy on the feet (walking on uneven roads does not hurt the joints), and withstands temperature changes (the shoes do not feel cold when first worn). Grown in the harsh wind and snow of Aomori, Tsugaru paulownia wood is tough and has a beautiful grain.
In addition to light wooden geta clogs, yuki-geta (snow clogs) that reflect this snowy land, and Tsugaru-nuri Lacquerware geta clogs have been made for many years, possessing a graceful feel.
【県の指定年月】 平成8年3月
【主な製品】 白木下駄・雪下駄・津軽塗下駄
【主な製造工程】 桐の切断→自然乾燥→輪切り→木取り→あいだひき→あらつき→おがみつき→わきかんな→すみつけ→はなまわし→はなあけ→つらがけ→とくさがけ→完成
【主な製品】 白木下駄・雪下駄・津軽塗下駄
【主な製造工程】 桐の切断→自然乾燥→輪切り→木取り→あいだひき→あらつき→おがみつき→わきかんな→すみつけ→はなまわし→はなあけ→つらがけ→とくさがけ→完成
阿保下駄製作所 | 036-8092 青森県弘前市城東北3-8-20 0172-26-1588 |