ホーム > 組織でさがす > 経済産業部 > 地域企業支援課 > 青森県の伝統工芸品(津軽塗)
更新日付:2024年4月1日 地域企業支援課
津軽塗 (つがるぬり) Tsugaru Lacquer Ware
Highly-prized type of Tsugaru Lacquerware that goes by the unusual name of Tsugaru “Baka-nuri” (crazy lacquering) due to the time and work that goes into the lacquering process
It is said that Tsugaru Lacquerware was started by the lacquer master, Genbee Ikeda, about 300 years ago under the employment of the Tsugaru domain during the reign of Nobumasa, the fourth lord of the Tsugaru clan. It was mainly used for furnishings in the domain under the protection and cultivation of the Tsugaru clan during the Edo period. It was established as an industry at the beginning of the Meiji period, from when it became widely known and used for prized objects.
The most famous of the Tsugaru Lacquerware style, “Kara-nuri” is robust but elegant lacquer, going through an incredible 48 step processes before it is completed. Such processes include repeatedly lacquering, grinding and polishing the cypress wood material. In addition to “kara-nuri”, there are also “nanako-nuri”, “monsha-nuri” and “nishiki-nuri”, and these four traditional methods continue to the present day. Also, a wide variety of patterns can be created by adapting modern styles. The industry was designated as a national traditional craft in 1975. The crafting technique was designated as an important intangible cultural property in 2017, and The Association for the Preservation of Tsugaru Lacquerware Techniques received official preservation group certification from the Japanese government.
Highly-prized type of Tsugaru Lacquerware that goes by the unusual name of Tsugaru “Baka-nuri” (crazy lacquering) due to the time and work that goes into the lacquering process
It is said that Tsugaru Lacquerware was started by the lacquer master, Genbee Ikeda, about 300 years ago under the employment of the Tsugaru domain during the reign of Nobumasa, the fourth lord of the Tsugaru clan. It was mainly used for furnishings in the domain under the protection and cultivation of the Tsugaru clan during the Edo period. It was established as an industry at the beginning of the Meiji period, from when it became widely known and used for prized objects.
The most famous of the Tsugaru Lacquerware style, “Kara-nuri” is robust but elegant lacquer, going through an incredible 48 step processes before it is completed. Such processes include repeatedly lacquering, grinding and polishing the cypress wood material. In addition to “kara-nuri”, there are also “nanako-nuri”, “monsha-nuri” and “nishiki-nuri”, and these four traditional methods continue to the present day. Also, a wide variety of patterns can be created by adapting modern styles. The industry was designated as a national traditional craft in 1975. The crafting technique was designated as an important intangible cultural property in 2017, and The Association for the Preservation of Tsugaru Lacquerware Techniques received official preservation group certification from the Japanese government.
【県の指定年月】 平成8年3月
【主な製品】 椀・重箱・テーブル・茶器・花器・盆・箸・飾棚
【主な製造工程】 木地固め→布着せ→地付け→仕掛け→彩色→荒研ぎ→炭はぎ→摺漆→艶付→上塗→完成
【主な製品】 椀・重箱・テーブル・茶器・花器・盆・箸・飾棚
【主な製造工程】 木地固め→布着せ→地付け→仕掛け→彩色→荒研ぎ→炭はぎ→摺漆→艶付→上塗→完成
青森県漆器協同組合連合会 | 036-8061 青森県弘前市神田2-4-9 0172-35-3629 |
弘前津軽塗商工業協同組合 | 036-8365 青森県弘前市西大工町82-1 0172-35-4004 |
津軽藩ねぷた村 | 036-8332 青森県弘前市亀甲町61 0172-39-1511 |
津軽塗技術保存会 | 036-1313 弘前市賀田1-1-1 0172-82-1642 |
株式会社たなか銘産 | 039-8054 弘前市大字田町4-2-2 0172-36-0111 |