ホーム > 組織でさがす > 経済産業部 > 地域企業支援課 > 青森県の伝統工芸品(津軽打刃物)
更新日付:2024年4月1日 地域企業支援課
津軽打刃物 (つがるうちはもの) Tsugaru Handcrafted Knives
Tsugaru Handcrafted Knives - practical knives with excellent sharpness and durability
Blacksmiths were once divided into those who made knives, farm equipment, or guns. In more recent times, those producing only knives have emerged; however, in general, most blacksmiths produce a range of goods, from equipment and farming tools to knives and scissors.
During the era of the Tsugaru clan (1589-1871), many blacksmiths lived in "Kaji-machi” (blacksmiths district) in Hirosaki City, where they produced farming equipment and weapons. Currently, those still practicing traditional techniques concentrate on producing handcrafted knives.
Traditional methods such as “hizukuri” (smith forging) and “doro-nuri” (applying earthen varnish to strength the materials) are used to create extremely durable and sharp high quality cutlery and knives. Also, pruning shears, indispensable for trimming excess fruit and branches, are produced in the apple-producing region of Tsugaru.
Tsugaru Handcrafted Knives - practical knives with excellent sharpness and durability
Blacksmiths were once divided into those who made knives, farm equipment, or guns. In more recent times, those producing only knives have emerged; however, in general, most blacksmiths produce a range of goods, from equipment and farming tools to knives and scissors.
During the era of the Tsugaru clan (1589-1871), many blacksmiths lived in "Kaji-machi” (blacksmiths district) in Hirosaki City, where they produced farming equipment and weapons. Currently, those still practicing traditional techniques concentrate on producing handcrafted knives.
Traditional methods such as “hizukuri” (smith forging) and “doro-nuri” (applying earthen varnish to strength the materials) are used to create extremely durable and sharp high quality cutlery and knives. Also, pruning shears, indispensable for trimming excess fruit and branches, are produced in the apple-producing region of Tsugaru.
【県の指定年月】 平成8年3月
【主な製品】 和包丁・剪定鋏・鉈・鎌
【主な製造工程】 火造り→荒仕上げ→焼き入れ→焼きもどし→刃付け→仕上げ→柄付け→完成
【主な製品】 和包丁・剪定鋏・鉈・鎌
【主な製造工程】 火造り→荒仕上げ→焼き入れ→焼きもどし→刃付け→仕上げ→柄付け→完成
三國刃物製作所 | 036-8245 青森県弘前市大字金属町4-15 0172-88-0555 |
田澤刃物製作所 | 036-8261 青森県弘前市大字茂森新町2-3-11 0172-32-1087 |
有限会社二唐刃物鍛造所 | 036-8245 青森県弘前市大字金属町4-1 0172-88-2881 |
三國打刃物店 | 036-8217 青森県弘前市大字茂森町170-3 0172-33-2202 |