ホーム > 組織でさがす > 経済産業部 > 地域企業支援課 > 青森県の伝統工芸品(津軽焼)
更新日付:2022年7月5日 地域企業支援課
津軽焼 (つがるやき) Tsugaru Pottery
“Tsugaru Pottery” - has a simple yet distinctive charm that expresses the natural features of Tsugaru
Tsugaru Pottery has its origins in four types of pottery: “Hirashimizu-yaki”, “Osawa-yaki”, “Shitakawara-yaki” and “Akudo-yaki”, all of which were established by the potters assembled by Nobumasa, the fourth lord of the Tsugaru clan. During the era of the Tsugaru clan (1589-1871), this pottery was made for furnishings and everyday items.
During the Meiji period (1867-1911), with the expansion of the railroad system, other types of pottery were introduced into the prefecture, and the pottery disappeared for a time during the Taisho period (1911-1925). However, Tsugaru Pottery regained popularity during the Showa period (1925-1989), and is still in use today.Modern-day Tsugaru pottery exploits the character of the local soil, and uses an apple glaze made from the ash of apple tree bark and Tenmokuyu (black glaze). This Tsugaru Pottery method makes full use of the region’s natural features, creating simply-colored but appealing pottery.
“Tsugaru Pottery” - has a simple yet distinctive charm that expresses the natural features of Tsugaru
Tsugaru Pottery has its origins in four types of pottery: “Hirashimizu-yaki”, “Osawa-yaki”, “Shitakawara-yaki” and “Akudo-yaki”, all of which were established by the potters assembled by Nobumasa, the fourth lord of the Tsugaru clan. During the era of the Tsugaru clan (1589-1871), this pottery was made for furnishings and everyday items.
During the Meiji period (1867-1911), with the expansion of the railroad system, other types of pottery were introduced into the prefecture, and the pottery disappeared for a time during the Taisho period (1911-1925). However, Tsugaru Pottery regained popularity during the Showa period (1925-1989), and is still in use today.Modern-day Tsugaru pottery exploits the character of the local soil, and uses an apple glaze made from the ash of apple tree bark and Tenmokuyu (black glaze). This Tsugaru Pottery method makes full use of the region’s natural features, creating simply-colored but appealing pottery.
【県の指定年月】 平成8年3月
【主な製品】 茶器・花器・酒器・皿類
【主な製造工程】 土練り→成形→加工→乾燥→素焼き→下絵付け→施釉→本焼き(焼成)→完成
【主な製品】 茶器・花器・酒器・皿類
【主な製造工程】 土練り→成形→加工→乾燥→素焼き→下絵付け→施釉→本焼き(焼成)→完成
津軽藩ねぷた村 | 036-8332 青森県弘前市亀甲町61 0172-39-1511 |
高野陶房 | 036-8113 青森県弘前市大字清水森字沼田16-3 0172-87-5844 |
ひろの窯 | 036-8115 青森県弘前市広野2-3-5 0172-87-0211 |
津軽千代造窯 | 036-8232 青森県弘前市城南4-11-3 0172-32-8465 |