ホーム > 組織でさがす > 経済産業部 > 地域企業支援課 > 青森県の伝統工芸品(金魚ねぷた)
更新日付:2022年12月23日 地域企業支援課
金魚ねぷた(きんぎょねぷた) "Kingyo" (Goldfish) "Neputa"
“Kingyo or (Goldfish) Neputa”-An essential part of summer festivals in Tsugaru-
Hirosaki Neputa was first documented in literature in 1722 (Kyoho 7),. Since then, various forms of neputa have adorned the eras. In the Edo period, goldfish were luxuries that only a few upper- class people could afford. It is said that common people who yearned for their own goldfish made them into neputa, which children used as lanterns during festivals.As the name suggests, goldfish neputa haves long been lucky charms that bring luck,money, and happiness, and a well-loved craft that has not gone out of style. In recent years,their use has expanded past festivals and they are also popular as interior decorations and souvenirs. Many kinds of goldfish neputa are being produced, and there are ongoing efforts to make new developments in this traditional craft and stimulate conversation about it.
“Kingyo or (Goldfish) Neputa”-An essential part of summer festivals in Tsugaru-
Hirosaki Neputa was first documented in literature in 1722 (Kyoho 7),. Since then, various forms of neputa have adorned the eras. In the Edo period, goldfish were luxuries that only a few upper- class people could afford. It is said that common people who yearned for their own goldfish made them into neputa, which children used as lanterns during festivals.As the name suggests, goldfish neputa haves long been lucky charms that bring luck,money, and happiness, and a well-loved craft that has not gone out of style. In recent years,their use has expanded past festivals and they are also popular as interior decorations and souvenirs. Many kinds of goldfish neputa are being produced, and there are ongoing efforts to make new developments in this traditional craft and stimulate conversation about it.
【県の指定年月】 令和3年12月
【主な製品】 灯籠
【主な製造工程】 竹割→骨組→紙貼り→墨描き→ロウ描き→彩色→仕上げ→完成
【主な製品】 灯籠
【主な製造工程】 竹割→骨組→紙貼り→墨描き→ロウ描き→彩色→仕上げ→完成
津軽藩ねぷた村 | 036-8332 青森県弘前市亀甲町61 0172-39-1511 |
髙橋紋章染工場 | 036-8054 青森県弘前市大字田町2-1-21 0172-32-0793 |
ねぷた・凧のなりた | 036-8316 青森県弘前市大字石渡2-4-13 0172-34-4960 |