ホーム > 組織でさがす > 経済産業部 > 地域企業支援課 > 青森県の伝統工芸品(南部花形組子)
更新日付:2024年4月1日 地域企業支援課
南部花形組子 (なんぶはながたくみこ) Nambu Floral "Kumiko" Woodworking
Made with highly-refined skill, “Nambu Floral ‘Kumiko’ Woodworking” produces artistic and beautiful curve
Nambu Floral “Kumiko” Woodworking belongs to a tradition of Japanese woodworking called “kumiko” which has been used in buildings for decorative purposes since the Asuka Period (592-710).
Floral “Kumiko” is a type of woodworking in which a special type of Japanese plane called “hanagata kanna” (floral plane) is used to add curvature to pieces of wood, which are then fit together without nails to make beautiful geometric patterns. Nambu Floral “Kumiko” is distinguished by its use of local Aomori Cypress among other woods and by the way it employs differences in wood type and bark color to create patterns.
Nambu Floral “Kumiko” Woodworking with its beautiful curves is suitable not only for Japanese-style fittings but also for Western-style doors and lamps, clashing with neither the Japanese nor the Western aesthetic.
Made with highly-refined skill, “Nambu Floral ‘Kumiko’ Woodworking” produces artistic and beautiful curve
Nambu Floral “Kumiko” Woodworking belongs to a tradition of Japanese woodworking called “kumiko” which has been used in buildings for decorative purposes since the Asuka Period (592-710).
Floral “Kumiko” is a type of woodworking in which a special type of Japanese plane called “hanagata kanna” (floral plane) is used to add curvature to pieces of wood, which are then fit together without nails to make beautiful geometric patterns. Nambu Floral “Kumiko” is distinguished by its use of local Aomori Cypress among other woods and by the way it employs differences in wood type and bark color to create patterns.
Nambu Floral “Kumiko” Woodworking with its beautiful curves is suitable not only for Japanese-style fittings but also for Western-style doors and lamps, clashing with neither the Japanese nor the Western aesthetic.
【県の指定年月】 平成29年12月
【主な製品】 ティッシュボックス・電気スタンド・行灯・衝立など
【主な製造工程】 小割→引割→寸法の割り出し→削り→仕上げ→組立て→完成
【主な製品】 ティッシュボックス・電気スタンド・行灯・衝立など
【主な製造工程】 小割→引割→寸法の割り出し→削り→仕上げ→組立て→完成
舘タテグ工芸 | 031-0802 青森県八戸市小中野5-10-31 0178-24-5438 |