ホーム > 組織でさがす > 経済産業部 > 地域企業支援課 > 青森県の伝統工芸品(津軽凧)
更新日付:2022年12月23日 地域企業支援課
津軽凧 (つがるだこ) Tsugaru Kites
Traditional ‘Tsugaru kites’ on which brave samurai warriors circle the sky
Tsugaru kites were first produced during the Edo period (1603-1867) as a way for cash-strapped samurais of the Tsugaru clan to earn some money on the side. Usually bamboo is used for the frame, however, bamboo does not grow well in colder climates. Therefore, Aomori cypress wood, which is light and resilient, is cut into small strips to create the frame.
The paintings on many of the kites depict heroic characters that appear in traditional Chinese tales, such as Sangokushi (The period of the Three Warring Countries) and Suikoden (Water Margin), as well as brave samurai warriors that feature in Japanese history. The warriors are painted in strong, thick black lines and red for the base to create a bright and colorful illustration, which are similar to images seen in the Neputa Festival in Hirosaki City.
Traditional ‘Tsugaru kites’ on which brave samurai warriors circle the sky
Tsugaru kites were first produced during the Edo period (1603-1867) as a way for cash-strapped samurais of the Tsugaru clan to earn some money on the side. Usually bamboo is used for the frame, however, bamboo does not grow well in colder climates. Therefore, Aomori cypress wood, which is light and resilient, is cut into small strips to create the frame.
The paintings on many of the kites depict heroic characters that appear in traditional Chinese tales, such as Sangokushi (The period of the Three Warring Countries) and Suikoden (Water Margin), as well as brave samurai warriors that feature in Japanese history. The warriors are painted in strong, thick black lines and red for the base to create a bright and colorful illustration, which are similar to images seen in the Neputa Festival in Hirosaki City.
【県の指定年月】 平成8年3月
【主な製品】 凧・金魚ねぶた
【主な製造工程】 骨組の木取り→組立→墨書き→裏打ち→彩色→仕上げ→骨張り付け→縁紙張り付け→糸目付け→ブンブ作り→完成
【主な製品】 凧・金魚ねぶた
【主な製造工程】 骨組の木取り→組立→墨書き→裏打ち→彩色→仕上げ→骨張り付け→縁紙張り付け→糸目付け→ブンブ作り→完成
津軽藩ねぷた村 | 036-8332 青森県弘前市亀甲町61 0172-39-1511 |
ねぷた・凧のなりた | 036-8316 青森県弘前市大字石渡2-4-13 0172-34-4960 |
髙橋紋章染工場 | 036-8054 青森県弘前市大字田町2-1-21 0172-32-0793 |